Tuesday, September 4, 2012

One more day

At this point, I will be on a plane leaving Oregon in less than 24 hours. It's just hitting me that I am actually leaving for 11 months. I've been so busy these last few weeks with getting everything together to leave, and packing my bags that it didn't even hit me that I won't see my friends or family for eleven months! I know its not permanent, but it's still a long time.

Now I know why people tell me I'm brave for going on an exchange year. Saying goodbye is possibly the hardest thing I have ever done. Also, even though I know that I will absolutely love Panama when I get down there, but right now I just want to stay in the comfort of my home and my home country. I want to be surrounded by my friends and family, I want to go to a traditional american high school, and be able to walk down the street and hear passers by speaking English!
But I also want to be challenged.. and what about staying in my comfortable little life is challenging!!

So I'm leaving.. as hard as it is gonna be to go. I'm gonna weather the hard times, because I know there will be good ones to come! And next July, when I am back home in my comfortable Oregonian box, I know I'll be glad that I stepped out of my comfort zone and left.

Next time you hear from me, chances are I'll be in Nata, with my host family! If you wanna contact me in Panama, email me! brelyn.rose@gmail.com

Buenas noche!!

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