Friday, May 25, 2012


This school year is drawing to a close, and as exciting is that is, it makes me nervous as well! I won't be returning to high school in the US until my senior year! That's September of 2013! I'm more excited than anything to go on this exciting adventure and study in Panama, but I'm so sad to be leaving my friends and family for a whole year.
As scared as I am about leaving everyone I know at home, making new friends and having my host family become a second family is something I'm really excited about! So far I have met about fifty other students who are also going to Panama with AFS this year. Though I won't meet any of them until September, it's still really nice to talk to them, and be able to learn not only about the Panamanian culture but a little bit about where all the other kids are from as well! So far I have talked to students from Belgium, Amsterdam, Germany, and Thailand! It makes me smile to know that even though we are from all different places and backgrounds, we have a lot in common.
It's great to know that wherever I want to go in the world after Panama, I will have these connections and friends to see!

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