Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Today, I got emails from AFS-USA; one saying that AFS-Panama was reviewing my application and I will hear in about a month about my acceptance through their branch of the program, and another with a link to more information on Panama.

The information AFS sent me outlined more about what would happen at orientation before going abroad, what would happen at the orientation in Panama, and some visa information. Luckily I won't need to obtain a visa to travel to Panama, but I will need a permit to stay once I get there. AFS also sent me a packet of information about Panamanian culture and how some things in everyday life work. Before this, I've only known about Panama from a more tourist-y perspective, from what I've read online. It was amazing to learn more about some of the little things like how school, government, and how the cities/ provinces are set up.

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