Friday, April 27, 2012

Voy a Panama!

As you may, or may not be able to tell from the title of this post, I'm going to Panama! The AFS organization  emailed me to let me know that my application has been accepted in Panama, and they are searching for a host family for me! (Unfortunately, the email also said I may not be notified of my host family until a month before departure) Below is the subject line of the exciting email AFS sent me!!

Now I really have my work cut out for me! Up until now, fundraising has not been the most important part of this process, because I was waiting to hear if I was accepted, but now I am really working hard to save my money, and raise more for my trip! You can still donate by using the chip-in widget on the right side of the page, and any help would be REALLY appreciated!
I am also planning a Panama themed dinner for June 5, at Going Deep Sushi in Cave Junction. I  will be cooking and serving traditional Panamanian foods, such as honey chicken, arroz con guando, and empanadas! I am really excited to let the community sample these foods, as well as help raise money for my exchange! :) I will add a new post with the times and a menu for my dinner! Hope to see all of you that live in Oregon there!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Today, I got emails from AFS-USA; one saying that AFS-Panama was reviewing my application and I will hear in about a month about my acceptance through their branch of the program, and another with a link to more information on Panama.

The information AFS sent me outlined more about what would happen at orientation before going abroad, what would happen at the orientation in Panama, and some visa information. Luckily I won't need to obtain a visa to travel to Panama, but I will need a permit to stay once I get there. AFS also sent me a packet of information about Panamanian culture and how some things in everyday life work. Before this, I've only known about Panama from a more tourist-y perspective, from what I've read online. It was amazing to learn more about some of the little things like how school, government, and how the cities/ provinces are set up.

Friday, April 6, 2012


Hey guys-
I just got a call from AFS-USA (which is the US branch of the study abroad program) and they have accepted my application and are sending it to Panama!!
I have been hoping and praying for this phone call/e-mail since I turned in my application!

Also, earlier this week I had my interview with an AFS liaison here in Oregon. She came to our house asked me questions about my family, what kind of rules and chores we had, what kind of places I have been to, and how long I have been away from home. This was pretty exciting because it really made me excited to meet my host family!  I know I am jumping the gun a little bit because my application is still being reviewed, but I can't wait for this experience to really start!