Thursday, March 15, 2012

       I'm Brelyn Dhenin, a sophomore in high school in rural Oregon, and this fall I will be traveling to Panama for a year abroad!
       I have wanted to study abroad for some time, but didn't know if I would have the means to do so. When I discovered AFS, a non for profit intercultural program for students, I was overjoyed. They allow you not only to pick where you want to study abroad, but the duration and focus of your stay.
       When I originally looked at the site, I didn't really know where I wanted to travel to. I know some Spanish from taking classes in school, and I knew I wanted to go to a Spanish speaking country.  Panama really jumped out at me! The description on the AFS website talks about Panama's beautiful beaches with coral gardens, and rain forests full of exotic animals and rare birds. However, as beautiful as Panama may be, a real selling point for me was the 97% literacy rate, and the opportunity to participate in sports, clubs, and music while on exchange.  While in Panama, I would like to improve my language skills, and learn more about Panamanian culture.  I really look forward to not only learning about their culture, but being able to share more about the United States!
       I know my year abroad will be full of challenges, but the first one I have to face is raising the money! So far, I have been saving all my money from my part time job. I am doing odd jobs for family and friends to cover the tuition and expenses of this trip. Anything you could contribute to help make this dream come true would be greatly appreciated! You can donate by clicking the “chip-in” icon on the right side of the screen. My goal is to raise $3,000 before I leave, near the end of August. Even if you are unable to contribute financially, I would appreciate your encouragement and support. I will be updating this blog leading up to, and during my adventure in Panama, so stay tuned!
       Hasta luego!

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